Saturday, August 22, 2009

i'm contact to contact H1N1~

last thursday, a day before my on leave day, my current boss (each audit assignment different boss) bg tau aku..his wife kene H1N1. yang peliknye, family die x kene quarantine. pelik doc neh. even advisor (doctor) company aku pn cakap xyah quarantine unless kalo ade symptom. bile dah sakit baru dok umah ke? apekahh?? huhu. So automatically, i'm contact to contact H1N1 lah. huhu..ble aku bg tau kt kwn aku die lari dr aku plak xnk jln dekat2. sampai ati..sob~ sob~ T_T
tadi aku google gambo H1N1 coz nak boh lam this post. tp tejumpe this blog yang kelakar giler entrynye pasal H1N1 haha!! juz click at the link bawah gmba tu ok :)


  1. bagus bagus.. ingatkan blog me jerr ko selalu terjahh.. wakaka

  2. jangan perasan la en_me..uhuhu~

  3. salam
    tgh membaca link yg awak berikan huhuuh

  4. kena blah cepat2,takut menular ni....

  5. Framestone:...bes kan awak entri die hehehe

    k/ina: mmg careful..sbb tu pakai mask hr2 naik LRT ;)

    9w2SOJ: xperr...bkn close contact pn. Insya Allah xde pe2 :)
