Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alya's Engagement

Date: 11 July 2009
Time: the whole day we lepak there ehehe
Venue: Ampang

A picture is worth thousand words..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

godaan si cucur cempedak

smlm..otw nk balik umah. aku lapa sebenarnye (pd hal dh mkn nasik ms lunch). perut aku bebunyi. tapi hati aku cakap:

"xpe..ade yogurt lg lam peti kt umah. mkn yogurt dh la. lama x g gym, jgn makan byk2" -poyosnye la kan ;)

tapi kan..otw nk g LRT. ade orang jual cucur cempedak. iye. C.U.C.U.R C.E.M.P.E.D.A.K. aku terus lupe yogurt terus beli cucur cempedak 2 hengget 6 bijik.

cucur cempedak [equal to] goreng ngan minyak [equal to] banyak lemak [equal to] kalori tinggi [equal to] rosak diet aku. ngaa~~

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Adam :)

Just a short update. my nephew was delivered yesterday morning at 7 a.m. 18 July 2009. Berat 2.7 kg jahh..

Since less a month ago, me and lengkong suggested to name him (dh scan so tau laki) as Adam. Yes, A.D.A.M!! Why Adam? Because we are sooo into Adam in Nur Kasih ;)

But then..tetiba teringat seseorang itu. Apsal aku x suggest nama die as part my nephew's name ek? Yerp..can be as Adam VWXYZ ;) (Faeeza demo jange bising2 ok) =P. tp Adam's grandpa and grandma suh buh Muhammad kt depan..hix~

gamba2 semua lam my hp. my bro and lengkong MMSed me. nnti2 aku hapdet lam facebook lah. Aku balik Alor Setar 20 Ogos nanti..for 1st Ramadhan celebration.

P/S: aku xde kreta nk blk tiap2 mggu..xleh nk merempit 220km/j :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

sebOk + penat + letih = i need rest...

frOm Google Image: lebih kurang gini la tahap kebizian aku..

Baru ade kesempatan untuk bernafas..SANGAT BUSY dengan audit. Honestly, this is the busiest audit I ever had. Mebi becoz of the number of issue raised, I had no enough rest, sleep and meal (meal? =P) ehehe

with Roy at Villa for VVIP

Masa audit fieldwork, we can still happily auditing them. Tapi 2 days before Audit Finding Discussion (AFD)..Ya Tuhann..hanya Allah yang tau betapa stress kami audit team ni nak tulis report. Sampai ke saat ini, stress and restless itu masih terasa T_T and aku simpan sorang2 je ke-stress-an aku ni hee~~

Lepas AFD, bukan stop situ aje. Report still kene edit. Even lepas Exit Meeting pun ade lagi changes. The way of reporting antara aku, manager and SM semue lain2. lagi high level, lagi advance la cara reporting ;) lepas meeting with audit client, itu nak tuka, ini nak tuka, x suka certain word lah, x stuju ngan certain root cause lah, issue title too harsh lah. Aigoo~~ poning kepalo den

dinner at Awana with audit team

Ade la skali due je blk before maghrib. Penah touch hotel/home at 11 p.m., 2 a.m. and even 3 a.m. pun pernah. Keje? Masuk 8 a.m. as usual the next day tu.. breakfast x yah ckp la..terbuang gitu aje. Basi pun ye. Offer kat orang, orang x nak. Nak makan? X de masa. Dinner lagi la..tinggal terus. Tapi lunch wajib je hihi ;)

IKLANEKA: TQ boss sebab sanggup hantar sampai rumah. TQ jugak big boss sebab bagi balik awal :D

Osmet and kawan2 pun realize betapa aku sangat letih. Diorang kesian tengok aku hihi.diorang kata muka aku nampak letih sangat. Time kaseh kawan2..tanpa korang semue aku rasa hidup aku x bemakna chewahh!! ;)

dinner with team member @ Burger King Mesra Mall. 2 days before AFD - tensii

Aku x suke busy sangat camni. Busy itu biase. Tapi sangat busy pun x best jugak. Hubungan ngan Tuhan, family, orang tersayang kawan2, osmet terabai sket. Sorry yer if aku lambat or didn’t return at all your call, your SMS, your YM, gtalk. X leh teman g mana2.. xleh lunch sama2.. kene tunggu lama before boleh date. Erk? Silap. Before boleh balik sama2 lah :)

Banyak lesson learnt yang aku dapat from this audit. Hope that my performance can be improved for the next audit. TQ to my SM (Kak Fairuz), my Manager (En. Jasmi), my team members (Amirun and Emirin), my audit clients (all) for your help and cooperation for the past 1 month.

with my team members - final day. nk ke airport dah masa ni

Sorry Adam..we cant date last Friday. Will ensure we can meet tonite. Pkl 9 tempat biase ok ;)

P/S: next post, pesanan untuk orang2 yang sudah diaudit, tengah diaudit, akan diaudit ;)